Hawaiian Arts &
Cultural SeriesPresents

Uncle George Kahumoku Jr, with opener, Nāmaka Cosma
Filmed at the live performance held on Friday, February 11th at 7pm.
PLEASE NOTE: The videos appear in TWO PARTS that run one after the other in our Vimeo Player.
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Music by Uncle George and opener Nāmaka Cosma, with a Talk Story session with both artists.
There’s a reason he’s been called Hawaii’s Renaissance man: George Kahumoku Jr. is a multiple Grammy Award winning master slack key guitarist, songwriter, world-traveling performer, teacher, artist, story-teller and writer, farmer and entrepreneur. He hosts a weekly show on Maui called George Kahumoku Jr’s Slack Key Show: Masters of Hawaiian Music. Around all of this he cultivates taro and raises sheep on his upland Maui farm.
Nāmaka Cosma is an upcoming Hawaiian artist (guitarist and vocalist) based in Maui. Her father was Pekelo Cosma, a renowned slack-key guitarist and Nā Hoku award winner who was born and raised in Hāna, Maui. She grew up surrounded by Hawaiian music, at the young age of three she was running up on stage to sing with her father. Nāmaka is now a Hawaiian Studies major and a graduate of the Institute of Hawaiian Music program at UH Maui College. She plans to follow in her fathers footsteps through learning the art of kī hōʻalu with her uncle Kevin Brown, and pursuing her passion of singing traditional Hawaiian mele.
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This Series has been made possible in part by a grant from the Hawai’i Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Series do not necessarily represent those of the Hawai’i Humanities/NEH.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. JUST CLICK HERE. Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series.

Celebrated trio Kūikawā
Filmed on Sunday, May 15, 2022
Celebrated trio Kūikawā perform as a part of our Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series. Talk Story with our host and Cultural Consultant, Keola Donaghy.
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Kūikawā is comprised of Joshua Kulhavy-Sutherland, James “Koakāne” Mattos, and Lukela Kanae. They met in 2016 as students in the Institute of Hawaiian Music at the University of Hawaii Maui campus. As avid fans of Hawaiian music and lovers of good harmony, they quickly formed a group and began to play their favorite songs, attempting to copy the arrangements of their idols (Makaha Sons of Niʻihau, Brothers Cazimero). Since then their musicianship has grown and they have begun to gig frequently around the island of Maui. You can find out more about this talented group at KuikawaMusic.com
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This Series has been made possible in part by a grant from the Hawai’i Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Series do not necessarily represent those of the Hawai’i Humanities/NEH.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. JUST CLICK HERE. Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series.
Mahalo for supporting ProArts Playhouse! Learn more at www.ProArtsMaui.com or by calling 808-463-6550.

Lono Music
Filmed at a live performance on Saturday, April 23rd at 2pm.
Celebrated musician Lono traveled from Moloka’i to join us for our Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series, including a Talk Story with our host.
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About the artist: “During my 20 years on Maui I recorded 6 albums up at Melodyline in Pukalani with Tom Hall. The first 5 were island style; then we moved to traditional Hawaiian. Myself, Eddie Kamae and Richard Hoʻopiʻi played for the Kaunoa Seniors throughout the islands. We have a total of 9 albums in the Hawaiian, 5 in the island style, and 2 live recordings– 1 here and 1 in Chicago. All recorded during my time as Lifeguard at Kamaole 1 Beach Park and at the opening of Makena Beach. Now here on Molokai we completed 7 more Hawaiian albums of Molokai history and events.”
You can find out more about this talented group at LonoMusic.com
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This Series has been made possible in part by a grant from the Hawai’i Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Series do not necessarily represent those of the Hawai’i Humanities/NEH.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated! JUST CLICK HERE, the Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series.

Traditional Hawaiian Carvings by Master Craftsman Kenneth Hiraoka
Filmed on Sunday, May 15, 2022
Exhibit now on display and a 30-minute documentary on the artist is now viewable as Episode 1 of our Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series.
In-person viewings can be scheduled at 808.463.6550. Artwork available for purchase, with all proceeds going directly to Uncle Ken.
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Uncle Ken has over twenty years of experience in his craft and has exhibited throughout the islands, including at the Maui Ocean Center, the Celebration of the Arts Festival at Kapalua, the Andaz Maui, the Made in Maui County Festival, Maui Hands, and as a part of the Juried Exhibitions of Hawai’i Craftsmen at the Honolulu Museum of Art School. He has been featured in the Maui News, Maui Nō Ka ʻOi” Magazine, Maui Today TV, and Maui Now, among other outlets. He has also taught Cultural Arts at University of Hawaiʻi Maui College.
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Made possible in part by the Hawai’i Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those of the NEH.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated on our survey here. Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series.

Kathy Collins Storytellers Evening
Filmed at the live performance held on Saturday, March 19th at 7:30pm
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Kathy Collins joins our Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series for an evening of storytelling, both as herself and her beloved character, Tita
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This Exhibition, a part of our first presentation of our Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series, has been made possible in part by a grant from the Hawai’i Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those of the NEH.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. JUST CLICK HERE. Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series.

Filmed at the live performance held on Sunday, September 29th at 2pm.
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To kick off our Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series for the 2024-2025 Season, we welcomed the Maui based duo, HOAKA! Kalani Miles and Kason Gomes share their aloha through mele Hawai’i, and for this special show, they were joined by renowned slack key master Uncle Kevin Brown.
Enjoy the video of this beautiful afternoon of Hawaiiana music and learn what the songs mean to the artists through their songs, as well as a Talk Story session with our host.
The ProArts Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series is brought to you via our Access for All Programs, thanks to funding from Arnold Jacobson & Jennifer Meyers and the County of Maui’s Office of Economic Development.
Click here for more information on Access for All.
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This Series has been made possible in part by a grant from the County of Maui’s Office of Economic Development. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Series do not necessarily represent those of the OED.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated on our survey here. Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series.
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Location Address
Azeka Plaza-Makai/Ocean Side
1280 South Kihei Rd
Kihei, HI 96753
Mailing Address
PO Box 2017
Kihei, HI 96753